Model Of Blue Macaw Is Born And Saves Its Species From Extinction

Excellent news: the first blue macaw in captivity in Latin America was born!
We had already told you that the blue macaw was extinct because of its trade, however, nature has given us a second chance with the birth of a specimen in Paraguay.

Luckily, the pigeon is in perfect health and the first blue feathers began to appear. A lot of emotion!
A well-known Paraguayan organization is responsible for saving the species and keeping the last blue macaw pigeon safe.

The birth of this specimen is a giant step towards the salvation of the species.
During 2018 the macaw of the film Rio and several other species became extinct

This is not pleasant news, in fact it is quite sad, but real. In 2018 many animal species became extinct due to climate change, deforestation and habitat loss ... all these produced by the human.

One of the animals that disappeared in 2018 was the macaw, famous thanks to the animated film of 20th Century Fox, Rio. A study conducted by BirdLife International confirmed that the Brazilian native parrot became extinct, mainly due to deforestation.

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