The Eye of the Space Incredible Eclipse picture Reveals the Sun in Unprecedented Record

The unbelievable photo that arose from the March 9th totality solar eclipse were extraordinary no doubt. But now NASA has gone one improved by generating a composite view of the eclipse that make the sun seem like the Eye of Sauron in Lord of the Rings. The compound photograph shows the solar corona, which is an aura of plasma that covers the sun & spreads millions of miles into space, as witnessed throughout the solar eclipse from both Earth and space.
The blue part in the image above shows the total eclipse from the earth, with the central pupil formed by the bright sun shielded by a moderately dark moon. Surrounding the stopped solar disk is the weak corona of sun seen in white light. The red portion was experiential from space, picked up by the sun-orbiting Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) spacecraft. The sun’s corona is only visible from the ground only through an eclipse.
The Eye of the Space  Incredible Eclipse picture Reveals the Sun in Unprecedented Record

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