NASA Will Be Making A Large Announcement Video On Tuesday

At 1 p.m. EDT (6 p.m. BST) on Tuesday, May 10, NASA is leaving to be making an announcement about the newest discoveries made by its planet-hunting Kepler space telescope. Currently, we don’t know what this notice is going to be about yet, so any guesses would just be speculation at the moment. Previous events like this, though, have signaled the finding of worlds similar to Earth.
In attendance will be a digit of scientists from NASA and the Kepler mission, but other than that, we don’t have to a large extent information. So, you’ll have to tune in with us to find out.

Timothy Morton, associate study scholar at Princeton University in New Jersey
Natalie Batalha, Kepler duty scientist at NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, California
Charlie Sobeck, Kepler/K2 mission manager at Ames
NASA Will Be Making A Large Announcement  Video On Tuesday
When Kepler was launched in March 2009, scientists did not know how common planets were exterior our solar system. Thanks to Kepler’s treasure trove of discovery, astronomers now consider there may be at least one planet orbiting each star in the sky.
Kepler completed its prime mission in 2012, and collected data for an extra year in an extended mission. In 2014, the spacecraft began a new extended mission called K2. K2 continues the look for explants while introducing latest research opportunities to study young stars, supernovae & extra cosmic phenomena.

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